Glitter Monkey Blog


Reflections on My Happiest Memory

Ah, memories! Those cherished moments that shape our lives and bring warmth to our hearts. As I sit here, reminiscing about my happiest memory, I cannot help but marvel at the beauty of life...


The Rise of Pop Art

Let’s take a journey back in time, to the vibrant era when pop art burst onto the scene. Can you feel it? This artistic movement, which emerged in the mid-1950s, challenged traditional notions of...


The Colorful World of Warhol

As last we met, I used Andy Warhol as an example for his choice in artistic materials. Today I want to explore an iconic American artist, Andy was a visionary who left an indelible...


Enchantment of Jazz

I think you either love it or hate – jazz – the enigma that has captivated audiences for decades, igniting fiery debates and stirring passions on both ends of the spectrum. What is it...


Let Swiftie Sweep You Away

Taylor Swift, oh how she enchants me with her music, not just me, in a way she has captivated us all. It seems like no matter what genre she delves into, she flourishes and...