You Must Like Me For Me I loved this video so much, yt I can understand some people’s negativity about it. Honestly it’s one of my favorites from her, I just love her carefree goofy attitude in it and it’s actually very original. She’s feeling suffocated and drowning in the media and constantly boxed in for her own safety. She is longing to be free. I love that her being seen again is her decision and she makes it on her terms when she’s ready. Then she gets this magic opportunity and wish fulfilled for her to be free. So she goes to the dive bar on the east side and decides to be seen for the note passer. But she doesn’t immediately realize she has to disappear to do so. When she finds out she is ‘gone’ she goes and lets her self be free but is still lonely. I think it was a process that Taylor went through to be able to evolve and grow and eventually ready for such a wonderful relationship. It was a process that was necessary for her to “find herself” before she finds the right guy. She is also wet and she decides to be seen when she’s wet means that she is ready to show vulnerability, ready to jump in to love with both feet. As someone who has always had social anxiety there was something about it that really struck me. And I love that Taylor is being Taylor

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